Seeking Users of Negative Pressure Ventilation
Norma M. Braun, MD is still looking to interview Post-Polio patients (and others) who can describe their experiences while they were/are using negative pressure devices such as an Iron Lung or Chest Cuirasses
good to know
Nearly 1 billion people globally are served by health care facilities that do not have regular or consistent power. Unreliable energy disrupts routine and emergency care—from running diagnostic tests to ensuring vaccines stay cold. As heatwaves, floods, and other extreme weather events become more common, energy disruptions are expected to increase due to events like power outages and heat stress on existing infrastructure. To address these challenges in the last mile of polio eradication and reduce its carbon footprint, the GPEI and partners have turned to solar power, a more affordable, reliable and climate-resilient energy source to power polio vaccination and surveillance activities. Read more
Pakistan, one of the last two endemic countries for wild polio, is closer than ever before to ending this devastating disease for good. However, many experts say Pakistan is among the countries most vulnerable to the climate crisis. As the world becomes hotter, more frequent and severe heatwaves, intense droughts, and devastating floods, threaten the incredible progress that has been made against polio. Read more
Afghanistan: seven WPV1-positive environmental samples
Pakistan: one WPV1 case and nine positive environmental samples
Algeria: one cVDPV2-positive environmental sample
Chad: five cVDPV2 cases
Côte d’Ivoire: three cVDPV2-positive environmental samples
DR Congo: four cVDPV1 cases, four cVDPV2 cases and five cVDPV2 positive environmental samples
Guinea: five cVDPV2 cases and one positive environmental sample
Kenya: three cVDPV2-positive environmental samples
Nigeria: eight cVDPV2 cases and nine positive environmental samples
Somalia: one cVDPV2 case and one positive environmental sample
Tanzania: one cVDPV2-positive environmental sample
Zimbabwe:two cVDPV2-positive environmental samples