The Atlanta Post-Polio Association (APPA), for nearly 40 years, has helped to educate the public and the health care community concerning the late effects of polio. We respond to the needs of individuals who suffer from post-polio syndrome through group meetings, educational programs, newsletters, website, online discussion, and advocacy. APPA has a Special Needs Assistance Fund (SNAF) to help members who need to be financially assisted with devices that increase stability and mobility.
Provide a supportive and educational environment to exchange accurate information and resources about Post- Polio issues among our Polio survivors, families, friends, and caregivers.
Provide awareness, social, and spiritual needs of polio survivors. Assist Polio survivors and their caregivers in managing and coping with the effects of Post-Polio Syndrome.
Encourage the participation of APPA Members to share their skills and insights with APPA.