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To give financial support to our APPA polio survivor members who need assistance in purchasing, refurbishing, repairing or installing needed medical devices. APPA, in partnership with FODAC (Friends of Disabled Adults and Children), will help ease the financial burden by using the following guidelines to make efficient use of our available funds in accomplishing this purpose.



     1. Any Post-Polio Survivor member with two years of uninterrupted dues payment

        and eligible 24 months from 1st payment can apply for up to $1000 per year with a

        lifetime limit of $3000.

     2. APPA’s SNAF funds will pay

        a) One time $25 FODAC membership fee

        b) FODAC’s cost for parts (see Service Charges), all repairs and 

            refurbishing of devices.

        c) A $25 contribution to FODAC for each repair/refurbishing service

     3. An item can be secured or refurbished from the  FODAC facility near Stone       

        Mountain, GA. Equipment may be secured at any of the FODAC facilities in

       Georgia, when available. It will be necessary to call FODAC (866-977- 1204) and

       explore the availability of equipment* or repairs/refurbishing and installation service

       appointments for a specific devices (lifts, hand controls etc).


     4. APPA will cover all expenses for APPA polio survivor members involved in using

         FODAC services up to the previously stated limits (#1,2).


     5. If, or when, the medical device is no longer being used, it should be returned to


*FODAC requires a detailed doctors prescription on very costly items (scooters, etc)




Do not make a purchase without preapproval. Check for approved funds will be made out to the vendor. COSTS will NOT BE REIMBURSED to any member.


A Post-Polio Survivor member must be an active APPA dues paying member with two years of uninterrupted dues payment and eligible 24 months from 1st payment before submitting request. The member can apply for up to $1000 per year with a lifetime limit of $3000.


APPA members requiring a device with highly specific custom requirements, should consult with a medical provider and request a prescription. For other custom needs, appropriately documented price quotes MUST be included with the application when the request for funds is submitted for approval.

(You must agree to terms before accessing application)

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